Can't flee in the heat of battle?


Ok, I always thought you 'Can't flee in the heat of battle', when you initiate an attack on another player, meaning you can't recall for some amount of time, which I get and understand. However, I was minding my own business, and got attacked, so went into my usual "should I stay and fight or flee?" mode.. I equiped my axe weapon, as i was running away, and had enough lead to cast recall and escape, however it was not working!

I do not believe I ever hit target nearest, or attack last target, but at this point shouldn't it not matter, I was already hit by an ebolt, and should still have been able to recall?

I didn't make it very far, and ended up dieing, big whoop, I'm not complaining about that, I just think maybe I found a bug, or a strange change in the rules..



Oh, hah, I guess I do. Interesting, I should have read that in the update I guess, I did read about some murder changes, like bounty hunter system, ect..

Guess I will work off this murder count, and be more careful as I PvM :)

Thanks for the fast responses!


It's not in the patch notes, you're just expected to read the forums more than you play the game.

Don't feel bad though, you didn't die from lack of skill. Just lack of knowing every cheezy custom mechanic on this server.