Bod Sell/Trade List

the spca

these are all Exceptional Bods

Valorite Runic Hammer Bods
x20 ValoritePlatemail gorget

Agapite Runic Hammer Bods
x20 Verite Chainmail Tunic x2
X20 Verite Chainmail Coif
x20 Gold Platemail Gorget
x15 Agapite Arms

Gold Runic Hammer Bods
x10 Bronze Plate Arms x3
x15 bronze Plate Tunic x2
x15 bronze Plate helm
x15 Bronze plate Gorget
x20 Gold Chainmail Leggs x2
x15 Valorite Ringmail tunic
x20 Verite Ringmail leggs
x20 Verite Ringmail Tunic
x20 Copper Plate helm
x20 Copper Plate Arms
x10 Agapite Chainmail Tunic

+60 Smithing Hammer
x10 Verite Platemail Tunic x2
x20 Agapite Platemail Tunic
x20 Valorite Chainmail Coif

120 Smith PS
x10 Golden Chain Tunic
x15 Golden Chain Leggs
x20 Bronze Chain Coif x3
x20 Agapite Ringmail Gloves
I have 20+ copper and 10+ shadow bods for 120 BS PS just msg me with what ya need.

Im selling these bods or trading them for the bods i need on the list below.

x20 Verite Plate(all but Tunic and Leggs)
X10 Bronze plate, Tunic, Legs, Helm and gorget
x20 Shadow 20 Plate Arms
x20 Agapite Plate Helm and Arms
x15 Copper Plate Tunic and Gloves

Just message me if ya want any of these. Please send to my inbox so its easier for me to reply, Thank you.