Battle System Overview


This thread is intended to be an overview of the battle system and is intended to emphasize on mechanics and scoring.

First I'll mention that while playing a FFA i noticed several players join late. I do not believe you should be able to join a FFA after it has already started.

Also it has come to my attention that players are able to quit and rejoin a CTF match during the waiting period before it begins, which they are able to abuse to get onto the same teams as their friends. It may be intended, not sure, but I feel as though it takes away from balance when veterans are all stacked on the same team. I've seen several that try and try again to get on my team, and don't get me wrong, i am flattered. But lets try and be honorable ok guys it's just a game. :D

OK now scoring.

FFA scoring is pretty cut and dry, but CTF needs a bit of flava as im sure the developers are aware.

Not sure how this works overall but PvP points seem to be awarded for kills/deaths at this time. Though I've seen other factors logged I'm not sure if they contribute to the pvp points. Some variables I think that would be nice if added would be ''flag per second'' in other words, the amount of time a capturer has the enemies flag summed up into maybe 1 point for every ten seconds, and maybe an extra point per capture? or even, 2 points per capture, and not related to fail attempts or assists? it would be nice to factor in assists somehow, and i believe flags per second could do the job.

Also, I have experienced a bug lately with the scoring, it seems when you look at the points, they are impossible to read, it looks like 10 numbers in each feild hehe
i will take a screenshot next event

I personally love the mini games :D
Thanks to staff for doing a great job with the games and tournys lately, good times!


flag per sec -1

sit in base with flag don't cap get 300 points in one single ctf match.

not well thought out at all


put a maximum of 3 points for the 'flag per sec' per capture and disable the ability to drop it on the floor.
easy fix
bro do you even post constructively?? :D

Super Trammie

I'd really love to see points given for heals/walls/defending somehow, because I'm usually the only one willing to do these things as points aren't given out for them.

No clue how you'd be able to implement it without having it be abused, but it would be nice.


Winning Team only gets points (then teamwork is needed vs individual accolades). Problem solved