Asylum Guardian Taming


I'm wondering if anyone knows approximately what the minimum taming skill to tame one of the asylum guardians is (and if anyone knows what their stats are like). Ever since stealthing through there and noticing they were tameable, it's been my goal to get one of these guys for my tamer for novelty's sake when his skills are up to it. Which is a long way off, I'm sure, but it would be nice to know when I could start making attempts.


Basically 100. I'm believe the minimum is like 98.7 but ya if you are Taming it yourself then you'll want 100+. I could transfer you one below that. They are 3 slots and are probably the hardest hitting casters in the game. These guys love fs.


Basically 100. I'm believe the minimum is like 98.7 but ya if you are Taming it yourself then you'll want 100+. I could transfer you one below that. They are 3 slots and are probably the hardest hitting casters in the game. These guys love fs.

Excellent, good to know! And mighty kind of ya for the offer to transfer one if necessary. :) It'll probably be quite some time til I have enough spare time to train up to GM, but it's nice to know these guys aren't a total novelty in terms of my desire for one. And good to have this info searchable on the forums now!