Archery bug/issue - shooting random npc/player


Does any one know what could be causing my archer to fire on people/npcs for no reason?? I swear every time a PK rolls in an Im able to run away and hide half the time my guy will fucking shoot either the pk or a random mob for NO REASON AT ALL. Half the time the mob was never even aggroed to start with. This is getting very old and making me want to drop my archery all together. I dont know if its a option check in UO or razor that make you want to shoot random shit (not always while hidden) but it is getting old


Tab out. You're probably still in war mode when you hide. Hit the tab button to toggle out of war mode.


Tab in and out of war mode after you have hidden.

If all else fails, take the bow out of your hands after you hide. Can't randomly shoot things with no bow in your hands.


What these guys said. When someone attacks YOU, your player is automatically placed into war mode. This can be confusing because your cursor is not red.

Once in this mode, you have to tab (ie enter war mode - your cursor will turn red) and then tab again (your cursor will change back to normal) to leave war mode. Most people just call this tabbing out.