another pack horse killing at brit craft zone



I would like to report another grieffing and pack horse killing at brit craft zone.

I have some screenshots if it may help.

The player Stefan Loefven has summoned a Daemon at the craft zone and the Daemon attacked the pack horse :

(sorry I just missed the end of the fight for the capture but this is the grey daemon who attacked the horse)

Ppl were calling guards but the grey Daemon has not been killed. The player Stefan (the grieffer) has been killed by guards and you can see his corpse near the Daemon. Its like there is a problem the guards kill the Daemon owner but not he Daemon itself so it kills the pack horse without problem.

Now you can see the dead pack horse on the left of the screen, and on the right of the screen the player that has been grieffed (poor guy).

Ok now you can see Stefan Loefven coming back as blue guy and now looting the horse corpse :


Chesty Puller



I just bought a Beatle at the Brit bank last night and it was almost insta agroed by a grey deamon...sucked but was a good laugh. Always learning something new here ;)
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