add some more ingame commands

Uzz Uzz

[equip spellbook for example alerady exists. please add [unequip spellbook to it. for every item have one [equip and one [unequip.

also maybe add a [bondtimer, however thats just something i saw somewhere else. madnatory are the [unequip commands!

Uzz Uzz

just bumping this. should be almost of no work, and help people a lot . feel free to add other commands you think are useful!


You can see the bond timer any time you want by just feeding whatever it is again. Why do you need a command?

Also, razor and uosteam both have dress macros........


[equip spellbook for example alerady exists. please add [unequip spellbook to it. for every item have one [equip and one [unequip.

also maybe add a [bondtimer, however thats just something i saw somewhere else. madnatory are the [unequip commands!

Equip and unequip spell book is easy. Options. Macro. Equip/unequip right hand. Straight through uo client. Bond timer. Take pet out of stables. Feed it. Easy


I agree - in game commands should be for things not easily done (or not done at all) through razor/uosteam. [pouch is a good example.

That said, they could add some more in-game commands that would be beneficial.