as the title says have a few 120 tailoring ps for sell 125k, will trade one for a 115
If it helps ya to understand pricing... I got my 105 for 30k, 110 for 55k, 115 for 435k and my 120 for 80k.what are 110's selling for? wondering if i should do these bods and make some...
I think you have a misconception of how power scrolls work on UO:F.Alright, I understand that they are more rare, but why would anyone want a 115 ps over a 120? If it has to do with 115 being the optimal skill level (which doesn't make much sense to me), couldn't you simple get a 120 and lock the skill at 115? Why would anyone prefer to have less skill, and pay 5x more for such a privilege? Clearly, I must be missing something, could someone please clarify? Thanks