All scrolls are on a vendor just outside the West Trinsic Gate, at the Trinsic Trading Company. Vendor's named "Secret Deals" He is on the back corner of the building hidden behind a tree.
115 Tinkering 100k
110 LJing 80k -- SOLD
105 Carpentry 10k
105 Mining 30k
105 Tinkering 10k
105 Fishing 30k
105 Animal Taming 80k
Offers below asking are considered. Please contact me through PM. Thank you.
115 Tinkering 100k
110 LJing 80k -- SOLD
105 Carpentry 10k
105 Mining 30k
105 Tinkering 10k
105 Fishing 30k
105 Animal Taming 80k
Offers below asking are considered. Please contact me through PM. Thank you.
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