WTS 10K DONO COINS - 180k Each


Selling Dono Coins @ 180k per 1,000 Coins. I have a total of 10,000 for sale. Sale Price is firm. PM me if interested.


Nope. That's the average price honestly. Been selling them for this price for almost last year.

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Ahh, I haven't been able to sell for more than 165k...put posts on forum for days, even macrod at the bank for hours. I guess after days and days at 175, I gave in and sold for 165. Ill be more patient next time, thanks.

King Dingaling

Nope. That's the average price honestly. Been selling them for this price for almost last year.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
im confused...ur saying the average is 165k but ur selling for 180k?

item bless deed has these dropping right now i guess....


No, I'm say my price is the average. Those selling low ball recently is newer people to the shard who don't understand the price. If they want to get the quick sale and short change themselves, that's fine, I wont. Eventually they will wise up.

FYI - the item bless deed raffle is 190k gold or 1k dono. So if you use that for a basis, my price is still quite reasonable. You will also find dono coins on vendors in game for as high as 200k.

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