
  1. LadyGiselle

    WTS 7X8 Palm Tree Paradise

    IT'S 5 O'CLOCK SOMEWHERE :) Selling a 7X8 slice of paradise, located in a rare circle of palm trees! Like, rare rare. This home isn't a one trick pony though--it's located one screen from the ocean, and a short sprint south of the main entrance to Delucia Pass. As pictured, Giselle will be...
  2. Macho

    WTS 9*7 Snow Island House

    Water Front. No Monster Spawn Nearby Price: 250k
  3. MadNezz

    WTS 15*10, grass, outside Minoc, on water SOLD

    Nice house for new and non hoarding players alike. 1438 storage / 719 lds 500k s/b 50k inc will end it 12 hours after last bid ( I will be working nights tonight, so if it falls on working hours, it will end when I get home).