
  1. Decoy

    WTS sold

    S/B 60M - Gold or gold + statue trades ONLY! Will let this run for a week after last bid before closing sale. 500K B/I only. 30x30 plot on grass for sale. North of Vesper. It has the maximum number of storage increase deeds applied for a total of 7500 total lockdowns. You will be given a FREE...
  2. MadNezz


  3. MadNezz

    WTS 15*10, grass, outside Minoc, on water SOLD

    Nice house for new and non hoarding players alike. 1438 storage / 719 lds 500k s/b 50k inc will end it 12 hours after last bid ( I will be working nights tonight, so if it falls on working hours, it will end when I get home).