
  1. J

    Looking to buy a Brick House

    If anyone has a Brick House for Sale Please let me know.
  2. Psyc420

    WTB House

    Hello all, Returning player here was just looking for a home so I can get off the streets of Brit. Plus I have no room in my bank so makes it hard to hoard stuff. Not looking for anything exciting, Oh did I mention im poor well only 150-200k that i can afford for a house so i am not totally...
  3. Dulcinea


    I am not sure if I will sell or not, but I am just wanting to get an idea on the value because the pricing of houses are all over and with this being my last year of school, I don't know if I will have much time to play. D(i)scord is the best method of contact. Directly in front of the 24 x...
  4. C

    WTB Wanting to buy 110 Provo power scroll

    Would like to buy a 110 Provo power scroll. Please message with a price. Thank you
  5. C

    WTB Want to Buy - Provoking Power Scrolls

    Looking to buy 105, 110, 115 and 120 Provoking power scrolls. Please get in touch.
  6. C

    WTB Wanting to buy Butler

    Want to purchase a butler. Please get in touch
  7. C

    WTB Want to buy large tower or villa

    Looking to buy a large tower or villa. Please get in touch if selling. Thank you
  8. C

    WTB 4 Lockpicking SS

    Buying 4 Lockpicking SS. PM me with price and meeting location.