I have also been keeping an eye on Shards Online and *. They are more modern clones of UO with full loot pvp. Think shards is being developed by some UO developers.
It's not a lame ass reason. I played uo from launch and I was in the beta. The enhanced client is really awesome as far as all the things it brings to the table. Plus absolutely no need for razor any more. You can do everything in the client itself. The enhanced client is a huge step in the...
The fact is that the Enhanced Client is very stable! Whoever said that it isn't is being very misleading. I can log into the pay servers and it's flawless. The enhanced client uses D3D and DirectX. It runs silky smooth compared to the old client. Also everything you can do in Razor plus more is...
When you see a red run on the screen 99.9% of the time they are a mage and there is a reason for this. They nerfed other play styles where the only viable option to really being a successful pk is to use magery.
Stealth archer, Stealth Deadly poison classes are pretty much obsolete here among...
When this game came out at launch the entire game basically made it a Pk's paradise where everything was based around screwing with others and causing chaos at every turn. no stat loss ever, just perm red chars.
nope... Use to long ago you could attack anything and hide instantly at GM. Even attack a player and Hide or recall out. Those were the days where it was insane... A player would deadly poison his blade, Stealth to you in dungeon, 1 hit deadly poisen you, hide instantly, and then stealth away...
Over the years all that's happened is UO turned into care bear land. Even this server is too care bear for me, but it's the most populated one and I have no option but deal with it as best I can or not play UO. :(
Animal taming should have no limit to how many things you can tame... I want an...
What they need is to change it back to how it was back in the day...
1. When you peace make it should stop all players, npc's and monsters on the screen all at the same time. Basically you run in peacemake and every monster on screen breaks aggro and targets nearest player if in a dungeon.
I have a surface pro 3 corei7 model. It runs windows 8.1 pro. My resolution is 2160x1440 default with a 3:2 aspect ratio. I go into UO Razor or UO Steam and no matter what I do my resolution will not stick. It lets me put 1920x1080, but because my desktop resolution is much higher everything is...
No, don't listen to these whiners! This is what ruined UO when it came out in 1998. UO is not a care bear game. It's a dog eat dog world where anything goes. In fact, what they need to be doing is REMOVING TEMPORARY STAT LOSS!. Pk's should never be punished for anything. There is absolutely no...
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