Search results

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    Quick, smooth, easy transaction!
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    works for me. My character is glimglum.
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    Sweet. I'll meet you at the house with the check around 10AM PST
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    I'll put a bid in at 100k down on it.
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    WTS Statue, semi rares, maps , skill scrolls, etc

    The following items are up for sale: Defender of Trinsic Title scroll - 150k Acid Elemental statue (blob version) - 70k Volcanic Rock 1x grey - 5k 2x shadow - 6k each 4x MiBs - 3k each Treasure Maps 6x lvl 2 - 750gp each 6x lvl 3 - 2k each 2x lvl 4 - 3k each Skill Scrolls 3x provocation...
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    WTB Buying provo skill scrolls!!

    How much are you buying them for?
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    New to shard, need a check on Vanq Dbl Axe

    I managed to pick up a Massive/Vanq/Surpassingly accurate double axe, but I have no idea how much this thing is worth. Any help will be much appreciated.