Howdy howdy! So I have a Macbook Pro I play on occasionally and it always bothered me there wasn't an easier way to just play UO Forever on. So here is a .zip file that you just need to unzip to your Mac, double click and play. It is only Razor, UO Classic and the latest UO Forever files, it...
I've only been playing for like 1-2 weeks and I've only died 2-3 times, you are doing something way wrong... I only have like 3 skills GMed and use recall scrolls. I'd say learn to recall when being attacked, learn to PVP or sit at the bank possibly?
I don't understand what people are expecting when they join a shard like this? The homepage clearly states "Bring back that feeling of risk and reward, death and triumph" and on top of that if you do 5 minutes of research you would clearly know what kind of shard you are joining.
I started...
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