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  1. Cramerrao

    WTB PS 105 mining

    Buump Inviato dal mio GT-S6500 con Tapatalk 2
  2. Cramerrao

    Nox/Alchy Dexxer build question

    Just a question: which weapons could I poison using the poisoning skill?
  3. Cramerrao

    WTB PS 105 mining

    As title says.
  4. Cramerrao

    April Fools Raffle Winner Gump

    Open you 2nd account (if you have it) and try to digit 54 :p
  5. Cramerrao

    April Fools Raffle Winner Gump

  6. Cramerrao

    April Fools Raffle Winner Gump

    ahahah :p
  7. Cramerrao

    Dungeons and Recalling

    Ahauahaua I hope that you are kidding us :):):)
  8. Cramerrao

    1 Char Slot left...crafter template ideas?

    I don't want to raise carpentry and build furniture, my idea is to build a first pg crafter that repairs my provo/warrior armors and weapons. I'm following a template which has mining/smithing/tailoring as main skills. So i'm training another pg that also repairs my provo/archer weapons, which...
  9. Cramerrao

    Rares and Collectables Suggestion\wishlist

    I agree with you for almost everything, in particular I love the "pentagrams" system.It seems challenging collect them! :D
  10. Cramerrao

    1 Char Slot left...crafter template ideas?

    I have a question about stats... my pg is a "main crafter" (blacksmith, tailoring,mining, magery, etc...). What is the right stats combination? I'm using the 100/100/25 but i see that i need more mana for working well (for example gate travel requires about 40 mana). So, what do you think about...
  11. Cramerrao

    WTB Tailoring PS 105

    I also need a mining Ps 105.
  12. Cramerrao

    WTB Tailoring PS 105

    Set a price and i'll think about ;)
  13. Cramerrao

    house and scrolls

    If you need SS check my vendor, info below in the signature. Inviato dal mio GT-S6500 con Tapatalk 2
  14. Cramerrao

    WTS Selling SS Animal Taming

    I have modified the price in 140k for each scroll. it's also a bump :)
  15. Cramerrao

    WTS Selling SS Animal Taming

    280k for 2 SS and we have a deal. MP if you want it, now i'm online
  16. Cramerrao

    Chicken Fights Saturdat 1pm est and 1am est WIN BIG

    Where is the 'Arena'? Inviato dal mio GT-S6500 con Tapatalk 2
  17. Cramerrao

    Chicken Fights Saturdat 1pm est and 1am est WIN BIG

    Wooow awesome :) Inviato dal mio GT-S6500 con Tapatalk 2
  18. Cramerrao

    WTS Selling SS Animal Taming

    I have two SS +1 in animal taming. The price is 140k for each item. MP me if interested. We have other SS types (like fishing,lumberjacking, tailoring, etc..), if you are interested I suggest you to visit our shop. Further informations below, in the signature.
  19. Cramerrao

    Large BODs

    Ok, thank you for the explanation :D