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  1. kbruder


    agreed! to expand upon the same analogy, cheating would be bribing the ref. which can rarely be proven.
  2. kbruder


    Hello Forum Family! I have been noticing the enlightening and constructive discussions on the topics of Explo and stealing Scripts on the forums as of late. Indeed these are conflicts that must be resolved post haste. I would like to simply suggest that we change the verbiage with in said...
  3. kbruder

    Castle Gold Raffle

    i take it there is no limit on how many tickets one may buy?
  4. kbruder


    Planned IDOC.
  5. kbruder

    UOAM all black

    OK guys final fix confirmed. DL this : it is a ZIP containing the needed map files. just extract it into your UOAM folder and use the 'UO client files data location' menu option to point the program the files. confirmed this works on my computer
  6. kbruder

    UOAM all black

    so i looked at some other forums and apparently, EA changed the file names of the map files so freshly DL and updated versions of UOAM will never work properly again. [e sigh
  7. kbruder

    UOAM all black

    I have this same problem. followed to documentation. on a new computer, clean install using UO:F installer.
  8. kbruder

    WTB a giant beetle

    will pay 15k send msg i will meet you at the docks THanks in advance
  9. kbruder

    Bonded pets gone upon WAN outage

    Hello Guys and Gals Yesterday, I was at my office and had a solid hour to kill, so I determine this to be an opportune time to get some mining done. Roughly 15 minutes into it the my internet connection is lost. I repeat pinged (the most reliable IP address) and lost all packets...
  10. kbruder

    Concerning Murderer Penalties

    I would say that when I started (in october 2013) It seemed like becoming red was the only thing to do once you settle in the server with GM crafters and 7x PvP templates. there were fewer events and shitty boats, Champ scoring and rewards were more skewed. I had a few people I convinced to...
  11. kbruder

    Shatter Spliffs!

    Shatter Spliffs!
  12. kbruder

    NEw Boat GLitch

    well, I am glad I learned that lesson before the actual expansion. would be a shame to have dropped 100k on it. Do you know the unique attributes of the other types, Yoar?
  13. kbruder

    NEw Boat GLitch

    I just got an orc boat and set out to fish. after a while i killed a deep sea serpent which died right along side of my boat. now I am unable to move in any direction. of course I am waiting for the corpse to decay to move, but it seems this could be exploited in some way in boat combat. or...
  14. kbruder

    Davy Jones spotted

    I was out at sea training my fisherman when we stumbled upon this little mess in mid ocean. After long consideration, we decided against dropping anchor and stepping off the boat to explore. I wonder what amazing loot Davy Jones and his cohort carry on their person. Alas I will have to wait...
  15. kbruder

    Helpful Razor Macro Info.

    This is SOOO helpful, Thanks :D
  16. kbruder

    Attacking me through house wall...

  17. kbruder

    PC 4 Animal Taming SS +1

  18. kbruder

    PC 4 Animal Taming SS +1

    any idea what i get for it? any WTB?