Search results

  1. S

    WTT WTB 24x24

    unfortunately, there is no WTB as prefix selection and you cant open a thread without prefix. :p anyways, still looking for a 24x24 :oops:
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    WTT WTB 24x24

    as title says
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    WTS Rare Ogre Lord Statue!

    isn't this the normal paragon hue?
  4. S

    WTS 47 Spider Food Charges 37 ps + Nox Relic

    rofl. thats now 143k per ps :rolleyes:
  5. S

    Powerscrolls and Spider relics

    At the moment the situation is not ideal in regards of using powerscrolls to charge Meta spider relics. The amount of 750 power scrolls needed for one single spider is kinda ridiculous. People that actually need power scrolls for their skill have a really hard time to find any kind of scrolls...
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    WTS **Skara Brae House!! Must See!

  7. S

    UOF Housing thread

    Best idea is to limit the time a friend can refresh a house. Make it 6 month for a friend to be able to refresh, the the owner has to make a refresh before the frient timer can start again. This would really only effect the players who really quit the game and not the ones who on vacation or a...
  8. S


    just making this so I can post on other forums, lol