Search results

  1. Mutoro

    Searching for Aunt Jemima

    haha. Yeah. I suppose that is an option. Would much rather just lazily sit back and let the answers come via message board :-P
  2. Mutoro

    Searching for Aunt Jemima

    So awhile ago I got killed by Aunt Jemima and had a good convo with her. She had hide as a skill and used what seemed like a poison dex alchy build but I'm wondering what skill she replaced hide with. Seemed like a cool build to try out. Anyone know Aunt Jemima?
  3. Mutoro

    Storm's Idol questions....

    Awesome. Where do you get them? Like I said, I got mine from a house drop but if they are somehow farmable, thatd be awesome.
  4. Mutoro

    Storm's Idol questions....

    So I got a Storm's Idol from the last big house drop (glut's) and found some sick video of it being used... But does anyone actually have experience with them? Are they one time use? Do they need special charges? Do they just lightning everything in sight? etc etc lol
  5. Mutoro

    WTS Storm's Idol!

    First bid to Hiroshima. Do i hear a second? (Auction ends Thu night btw)
  6. Mutoro

    Ethereal Polar Bear Dye

    Only one I found is an ugly gold. It's in one of the dono update posts. An older one
  7. Mutoro

    WTS Storm's Idol!

    Starting bid at 100k
  8. Mutoro

    WTS Recipe for Dimensional Archeway

    Bump 50k OBO
  9. Mutoro

    WTS Recipe for Dimensional Archeway

    Awesome and damn hard to find recipe! Let me know offers!
  10. Mutoro


    Been a long time but I'm excited to be Back! Played uo then shadowbane then wow then AOC but nothing compared to the classic.