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  1. gucci mane

    The Criminal System Is Severely Flawed.

    im about to release some very secrete info that might break the server.................... putting a - hyphen at the end of your char makes you run a bit faster than players who dont have it. good for chasing example: GucciMane-
  2. gucci mane

    Sheivans Suggestions for a better UOF :]

    agreed, less items required = less item based pvp = more skill pvp it would make more sense for all characters to have a slow down "bola skill" skill with a cooldown but that is verrrry un-UO mount stamina/losing stamina from running is a solution that is already in the game just disabled on...
  3. gucci mane

    The Criminal System Is Severely Flawed.

    noticed this the other day.... crim shouldn't be able to use gate
  4. gucci mane

    Dungeons and Recalling

    the game is a little archaic to be wanting to trudge down levels just to farm in 2014 although it does sound good on paper..... it would make farming even harder for blues. now if they see a PK and they gotta leave that dungeon and start walking again from another dungeon floor 1 entrance lol...
  5. gucci mane

    Murder < stealing

    an npc probably walked on screen or someone called guards (keep your journal up to see who dunnit)
  6. gucci mane


  7. gucci mane

    Lord British is in the Hizzy!

    a trill workin tha wheel R.I.P pimp c Real Gehtto Legends - gucci mane
  8. gucci mane

    arms lord

    i am the lord of arms gucci mane master of war
  9. gucci mane

    Money making

    get u a stove and a pot my ***** how u gonna get rich killin dragons
  10. gucci mane

    Damn sure got attacked by an ogre while hiding

    Da ogre is fat like gucci mane so his big belley pushed u out of the way from hiding lol XD
  11. gucci mane

    great game. but pked alot... suggestion

    found your problem be ready to take off at a moments notice... dont be "engaged in fighting monsters" so committed.. be ready to run away. its so easy to get away. learn the areas i think it may be u who is being comfortable farming monsters ; - )
  12. gucci mane

    Oops rare wolf?

    stuff like this is good we need more UO tyler durdens just to fuk shit up not givin a fuk
  13. gucci mane

    How can I turn 200,000g into 1,000,000g?

    hit up my virtual trap house by the slums of east side britain and ill get u them $200,000k nightshade bricks flip that shit and u got 1 MILLI in you're pocket playa
  14. gucci mane

    This Game and PK's!

    u r trill boa
  15. gucci mane

    This Game and PK's!

    shouts out saint of pain we get out money out here
  16. gucci mane

    How to curb inflation? Is any tax to much tax?

    you are hillarious haha why dont u go start a new shard with your shitty idoc tax idea 0: )??
  17. gucci mane

    putting a hyphen/dash at the end of your char name makes you run faster

    after doing some scientific tests in a controlled environment i can conclude that putting a hyphen or dash at the end of your characters name boosts your movement speed a little its not that noticeable its a tile or two every 10 tiles but it does exist it is there it also might boost spell...
  18. gucci mane

    Making a Dexxer for my first character!

    i reccomend a hiding dexxer for sure, eventually changing it into a bard or something hide lets you go AFK better and dodge PKs you can also hide while using healing bandages, just run off screen from the monster, start bandage, then hide (if you hide before bandage then it will reveal you)...