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  1. gucci mane

    EVENT: Jakaro's Last Hurrah-- House Collapse Event

    i talked to him hes quitting for real he has no reason to come back for whats going on with him irl
  2. gucci mane

    leave house is very old!

    ya it should be changed so its not used so much in pvp. i have a hotkey for it, doesn't change the fact that is is cheesey and lame and takes away from actually fighting
  3. gucci mane

    Bye Again!

    lmao respect salute 2 a real ass nicca
  4. gucci mane

    Something wrong with this economy after playing the server 8 months all my items have depreciated.

    shoulda copped u one o these off th donation vendor boy this gonna only appreciate
  5. gucci mane

    poop brown skill scrolls

    *puts on morpheus shades* What If I Told U............. ...... That Skill Scrolls R Brown So People Accidentally Dont Loot Them Or Waste Them To Keep Them Artificially More Rarer?
  6. gucci mane

    Bone Mask are Different?

    quit jackin off to ur paperdolle
  7. gucci mane

    Making Brit Non Magical And non Skilled around the bank.

    lol ^_^ welcome back to uo
  8. gucci mane

    Donation items getting ridiculous

    i like the special items but less ugly hues would be cool. or items have a default hue and you need yet another item to change its color, so not everyone automatically has ugly as fuck ones
  9. gucci mane

    Factioning is boooooming!

    sick avatar dude! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  10. gucci mane

    lj don't increase damage Halberd?

    It Would Be Cool If It Did Tho
  11. gucci mane

    The Criminal System Is Severely Flawed.

    hes saying that you should have reported this in secret instead of posting a thread about it so people don't learn about it and abuse it til its fixed
  12. gucci mane

    The new anti zerg laws!

    yes i have im done replying to your shitty idea lol cant believe i already have more than once with the "lol thrd". i thought maybe future noobs just like yourself would stop themself before posting awful suggestions without even knowin their dick from their balls with UO - Gucci Mane tha greatest
  13. gucci mane

    The new anti zerg laws!

    even if we just ignored all the reasons why this wouldn't work displayed in this thread (and like bromista is saying with the testing and coding time) answer this question regarding unequal fighting forces otherwise known as ganks: why SHOULD it be fair?
  14. gucci mane

    The new anti zerg laws!

    i alrdy spelled it out for u, i seriously dont think you pvp , cause you posted this thread in the first place this doesnt even address NON-TARGETED spells which i have addressed last time this antigank suggestion came up what about wall of stone spam from the larger group? taming a swarm of...
  15. gucci mane

    The new anti zerg laws!

    you are not thinking about the bigger picture about how this would actually play out in real gameplay
  16. gucci mane

    Sheivans Suggestions for a better UOF :]

    ya thats what i was suggesting, its not a perfect fix because you can just carry more Total Refreshment potions, but if someone runs out of them to drink then that is one way to stop them from running. better than what we have right now i would also be willing to try out bola's for a week or...
  17. gucci mane

    The new anti zerg laws!

    the way it is a fully functioning virtual world without many invisible forces affecting player decisions is what makes it good CORE LEVELZ
  18. gucci mane

    The new anti zerg laws!

    its stupid as fuck lmao think about it dude critically Y???????? play a different game if u want that ?___? maybe like starcraft 1v1?
  19. gucci mane

    The new anti zerg laws!

    lets add less restrictions rather than more scenario with anti zerg law damage reduction: OK player1 go in and draw the fire and they will get reduced damage/ and then we will roll in OK guild we are gonna split up our targeting to achieve maximum DPS because if we have 4 people blasting the...
  20. gucci mane

    The new anti zerg laws!

    lol thrd : - )