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  1. L

    New user (uo auto patch wont connect)

    i use windows7 the message i get from winzip "unexpected end of archive" tryed it with the official client from EA patched to the newest version... also some older clients, nothing worked. i also used different razor progs to start und dial the right server... but yes.. same thing..
  2. L

    New user (uo auto patch wont connect)

    Thanks for fast reply I will take another try,
  3. L

    New user (uo auto patch wont connect)

    hi had the same problem... then i DL UO from the uoforever website... but winrar tells me that the file is corrupt. tryed to DL it 5 times without any difference. i also tryed it with the newest UO version.. this wont work eather.. thanks for help