Search results

  1. Z

    WTS Selling 9x8 great vendor house in Moonglow

    Great location just south of GY and could fit a 10x9 in it. S/B 100k B/O 200k
  2. Z

    Buying near perfect WW/Dragon

    Just finalllyyy grinded my way to 97.3 taming and am looking to buy a near perfect WW/Dragon. Thanks in advance!
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    WTS Tons of cultist paint for sale

    Vendor with a ton of cultist paint for sale. Close to 30 I think? It's located south of moonglow GY on a dirt plot with 3 vendors.
  4. Z

    Looking for that Moonglow house I always dreamed of

    Title says it all. Played Catskills from beta - 2001 and never got my glow house. Just started this shard a few weeks ago and finally have enough money to buy one. Hope someone can make my dream come true!
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    WTB Cultist Paint

    I have several if your still interested
  6. Z

    WTS No Longer for sale

    I know its a low ball but I'll offer 300k. I just started this shard and always wanted a glow house