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  1. L

    Question regarding house deeds VS Placement tool

    You missed the main question: Why does placing a deed to a classic design have a smaller amount of secure and lockdown items compared to using a house placing tool, selecting the exact same design of classic housing, but getting 200-325 more secures/lockdowns?
  2. L

    Question regarding house deeds VS Placement tool

    Recently a friend of mine place a large patio house and bought the deed to do so instead of using the housing placement tool< The deed was 192.5k VS using the tool for 392k. All was well until we noticed that the number of secures and lockdowns was different, by about 206/300 respectively. My...
  3. L

    WTB Vendor house - house in high traffic area

    I am new here and looking to purchase a vendor house in a prime location. Yew/Brit gate or GY, and similar areas. Please contact me with what you have. I will also be looking for second house in a secluded area. Thanks
  4. L

    WTB dono coins

    Are you needing anymore? I have 600 left.
  5. L

    WTB 18x18 no blockage. Isolated a plus/no neighbors a plus.

    I would like to know the location? and how much you are asking for?
  6. L

    WTS New to Server, selling Donor coins to build up a bit of gold to play

    Was a typo, but thanks for pointing that out :) five thousand!
  7. L

    WTS New to Server, selling Donor coins to build up a bit of gold to play

    Leave reply here and we can set up a time/place to meet to exchange. I have 5000 coins available. Thank you.