Search results

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    WTB Buying 120 Peacemaking

    Buying 120 Peacemaking power scroll
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    WTB A Few Rares

    Hit up brit farms for hay.
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    WTB Light Blue fishing nets

    I have a charcoal and PW net.
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    WTS Minoc Guardline House

    Sold for 105k to MrHappy
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    WTS Minoc Guardline House

    The bidder backed out 15 mins before the auction ended. It is not to late to bid.
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    WTS Minoc Guardline House

    Auction ends in 25 mins
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    WTS Minoc Guardline House

    I was able to stable from inside the house.
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    WTS Minoc Guardline House

    If no one bids 24 hours after your 100k bid, then I will sell it to you for 100k. As for the stable question, I think it would depend on the location of the npc inside the stable. I can check when I get home from work.
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    WTS Minoc Guardline House

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    WTS Minoc Guardline House

    Starting bid 100k House will be sold 24 hours after the last bid.
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    WTS 1k donation coins for 165k / ethy horse for 165

    I will buy the ethy.
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    WTS 15*14 Waterfront with no spawn

    I am at the docks on a character named Charles Ponzi
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    WTS 15*14 Waterfront with no spawn

    Let me know when we can meet up.
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    WTS 15*14 Waterfront with no spawn

    Location is East of Brit. 325k for the plot
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    Looking for Players to Help Design Conquests!

    Can we get more info on the system? What variables does the conquest system give us access to?
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    WTT Trading CBD for an ethy

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    WTT Trading CBD for an ethy

    Trading CBD for an ethy.