Search results

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    WTT Removed!

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    WTT Dispersion Relic for Phase Shift or Tread Relic!

    Wanting to trade the DIspersion mage relic for a Tread Relic or Phase shift relic! Thanks!
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    WTT Removed!

    Wanting to trade a Double Strike Relic For a Infected Wounds Relic!!
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    WTB Animal Taming Skill Scrolls!

    PM me your price and how many you have.. thanks!
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    Hey does the double strike relic work with archery?

    no i dont have any music skills or taming. so it should work maybe i'm just not noticing it. i'll test it out
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    Hey does the double strike relic work with archery?

    i was really asking cause i do have double strike relic and i don't notice it going off with archery..
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    Hey does the double strike relic work with archery?

    Hey does the double strike relic work with archery?
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    WTB Charcoal bone mask!

    Pm me if you have one for sale.. thanks!
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    WTB Dono Coins!

    WTB dono coins at 140k per 1k.. Thanks
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    Sold thanks for the offers!
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    Bid through a pm is 3.5mill right now.. will be selling in the next 10 mins. Thanks
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    s/b 2 mil no buyout set yet! will set soon.
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    Farm 500 crystals to summon arch demon now??

    I hope it doesn't stay like this and it is just a test.. Atleast give the person who is turning in the crystals a higher chance to receive the Relic or something.. Spent all morning farming 500 crystals just to have moochers come in and kill the demon.. Pretty dumb mechanic if there isn't really...
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    WTB 120 animal lore!

    pm me your price thanks!
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    WTS 115 Tailoring Powerscroll!

    PM Me offer! thanks!
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    WTB 120 Animal Lore, 120 Lumberjack, QuickSilver Relic!

    PM me if you have thanks!
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    WTB Looking to Buy 120 Animal Lore, 120 Lumberjack, 120 Blacksmith, QuickSilver Relic

    Hey If you have any of them please pm me what you want thanks!
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    WTB 120 Animal Lore

    WTB 120 animal lore PMMe please
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    WTS Animated Champ Artifact - Creepy Portrait

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    WTB Noxious Relic and QuickSilver Relic.

    PM With what you have and how much you want for it.. Thanks