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    I can do 125k
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    Players not collecting jewlery!

    There is a mod that makes the gems much larger and easier to see/loot. I have at least 100+ of each from farming liches.. not sure when I ill cash em in.
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    Full Red Book of Spells *unblessed*

    Do you still have that book my friend?
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    WTT Trin House for Rent

    Not very interested in Deco'ing someone elses house for free... but I would be interested in buying that plot from you. I would move my rune library there and make the plot more exciting for the server... let me know
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    Wooden Display Case

    Anyone know how to disable rails?
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    WTB Wooden Benches

    Bought up all the brit gate ones.. looing for yew area.. Thanks :)
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    WTB Wooden Benches

    Need a bunch of them, have boards and will pay. Any vendors out there? Thanks.
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    Free Lockpicking!

    Kraden just opened 4 boxes for me. Never met him before but he was friendly and totally trustworthy. Hope you got some gains from them friend.
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    7x7 in Brit Farmland , just by main road - Perfect Vendor House

    I just snagged it up if anyone is interested in it for the same price. New player needing some coin :)
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    Eve Online wages largest war in its 10 year history

    These battles sound awesome until you learn about the time dilation they implement. Because of the insane size and data associated with a fight like this they somehow tweak the servers to slow game time down to a fraction of real time speed. So even though this fight might take an hour or 2...