Search results

  1. Deuce

    WTS MAX Storage 16x16 Near Compassion Desert *Sold*

    16x16 Near compassion desert! SB: 2.5m InC: 100k BO: Message me! Deuce#3277
  2. Deuce

    WTS Estate sale! Lots of stuff!

    Putting these items on the auction!
  3. Deuce

    WTS Estate sale! Lots of stuff!

    This is a COM Sacred Effigy, I'm not sure what it's worth but it's very unique and I haven't seen any others, so this seems very low. Also Low, I can do both for 350k Deal!
  4. Deuce

    WTS Estate sale! Lots of stuff!

    Deal, hit me on disc @ Deuce#3277
  5. Deuce

    WTS Estate sale! Lots of stuff!

    Not sure on the COM stuff, what do you think? Grey Brick fireplace is 300k Yes, minoc blue fish is bones.
  6. Deuce

    WTS Estate sale! Lots of stuff!

    Awesome message me on disc @ Deuce#3277
  7. Deuce

    WTS Estate sale! Lots of stuff!

    100k ea or 3 for 250k
  8. Deuce

    WTS Estate sale! Lots of stuff!

    1.2m for the cannon 175k for the workbench
  9. Deuce

    WTS Estate sale! Lots of stuff!

  10. Deuce

    WTS Estate sale! Lots of stuff!

    40k for both
  11. Deuce

    WTS Estate sale! Lots of stuff!

    Message me here or @ Deuce#3277 ----------------------------------- Give Aways: ----------------------------------- 2017 Deco Armor x 6 3 Years of UOF Dragon Lamp x 4 AUCTION Cooked Turkey x 9 2017 Thanksgiving Horn of Plenty x 10 2016 Halloween Red Pumpkin x 1 Spoiled Turkey x 7 4 Years of UOF...
  12. Deuce

    How do they IDOC with 100% Accurate Timing?

    The perception of someone coming into the IDOC minutes to seconds before it drops was just easy, or their good luck, while you did the hard work, is just completely wrong. Spending 6 hours sitting in front of a house on one character while you play on another is not hard work. It's easy and...
  13. Deuce

    WTS Awesome Yew Gate Vendor House

    Check out this awesome vendor house! 1 screen NE of the Yew gate. Selling as a empty plot. S/B: 3mIl Auction ends 24 hours after last bid. Deuce#3277
  14. Deuce

    WTS WOW Slayer Sale!

    These are NOT all super slayers. There are some super slayer bows, but mostly these are regular slayers. Please read the description and the link listing the weapons. Sorry if that wasn't clear. Thanks!
  15. Deuce

    WTS WOW Slayer Sale!

    At this time, no. Perhaps if there is no interest in buying these as a package then we can revisit the question. :)
  16. Deuce

    WTS WOW Slayer Sale!

    Selling a giant slayer package: Check list for actual types. 535 Weapons in total! I'll friend you and you can come and get them. They are organized. Starting Bid: 270k Auction ends 24h after last bid. To see list of weapons go to: (the forum won't let me post...
  17. Deuce

    WTS 18x16 Max Storgage on Ice/Dagger Isle! Sold!

    Price Reduced!
  18. Deuce

    WTS 18x16 Max Storgage on Ice/Dagger Isle! Sold!

    SB - 3m BI - 100k BO - 4m Bidding Ends 24hrs After Final bid PM Deuce#3277
  19. Deuce

    WTS Max Storage 13x18 by water/wrong/ice! *Sold

    Super nice plot! SB - 3m BI - 100k BO - 5m Bidding Ends 24hrs After Final bid PM Deuce#3277
  20. Deuce

    Hola! Can you contact me on discord, Deuce#3277 to finish the house sale? Thanks!

    Hola! Can you contact me on discord, Deuce#3277 to finish the house sale? Thanks!