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  1. Pimp C

    In Ctf... there. is. no. mercy.

    Unfortunately... I had to kill a friend and guildmate... We still lost, but this was one helluva game!
  2. Pimp C

    Lord British is in the Hizzy!

    Moments after the walk through Old Brit, we made our way to the Graveyards to pay Lord Blackthorne our respect....
  3. Pimp C

    Lord British is in the Hizzy!

    If anyone took screenshots of this event feel free to share! I have already shown several friends from other shards - and they are considering picking up and moving here. I've been trying hard to merge my staff servers to UO Forever. :)
  4. Pimp C

    Lord British is in the Hizzy!

    I meant to post these the other day, but better late than never! It was such a pleasure to walk with Lord British through Old Brit, listen to him talk about old times, and his new creations. Thank you UO Forever staff for getting this organized. In my 15 years of playing UO, this was...
  5. Pimp C

    Harrower Statue *LEET*

    nice grab
  6. Pimp C

    Steam Rollin & Trollin (PvM)

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to announce our guild and invite those who are interested in PvM to come say, "hello!" Whether you are just looking to party up for safety in a dungeon, or perhaps interested in becoming a member, feel free to contact any of the SRT members. You can find us around...