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    WTS Classic Villa

    hello, I am on now, sorry, im not very savvy to discord, not real sure how to find that address? do you happen to be on now?
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    WTS Classic Villa

    Should be home soon, on the road now
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    WTS Classic Villa

    I would like to take a look, please send me a message when you are on. Thanks
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    Tree Hack not working from launcher?

    Thank you very much, I didn't realize I had to go back and actually update it, I just kept turning the hack to "true" but wasnt updating, finally works!!!
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    Tree Hack not working from launcher?

    Hello, I have tried running the launcher in admin, and i still shows up with the trees. is there a single file or something I can just drag in to change them to stumps? Or does anyone know why it might not be working?
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    WTS Free 12x8 & 10x15 spot for anyone.

    I would love a medium plot if you know of any available, started maybe a month ago, we have a small house, but there is 3 of us trying to share out of it, and would love a little bigger place, if you still know of any of these places? (I realize this is an older post, but figured, worth a shot)
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    Starting again after a few years

    Welcome to the server! Yeah, I did a provo/mage which was not the cheapest way to go, but yeah, provo is a good way to get started.
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    Targeting while moving?

    Hello, Im sure its something simple, I am not doing. I am trying to get macro set to target without having to pull bars, Half the time im at 5 health before I can get my attackers bar, I know I had one before, Target next is what im thinking, but cant remember what it is to actually drop the...
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    Unable to move in the dueling area?

    Thank you very much
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    Unable to move in the dueling area?

    Thank you, just did it and it works, much appreciated, any chance you know where I can get the file to turn the trees into stumps?
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    Unable to move in the dueling area?

    Hello, hoping someone can help me, I tried the dueling area for the first time tonight, and I cant move, im stuck on one tile no matter what I do, any suggestions?
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    Introduction: ShadowHunter - Lake Superior (GM Lynch Mob (LM) )

    Thank you everyone for the welcome! Glad to be here!
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    Introduction: ShadowHunter - Lake Superior (GM Lynch Mob (LM) )

    hello everyone, I just started here a couple of days ago, I was pretty excited to see the population thriving here! Cant wait to join in on the action! Currently working on a moneymaker so I can make a mage to pvp with. I played on Lake Superior and Lake Austin waaay back in the day, I was the...