Search results

  1. C

    WTS 4 X slayer weapon packs

    170k swords
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    WTS 4 X slayer weapon packs

    150k swords
  3. C

    WTS 4 X slayer weapon packs

    120 swords
  4. C

    WTS 4 X slayer weapon packs

    100k swords
  5. C

    WTS 4 X slayer weapon packs

    70k swords
  6. C

    WTS Ice blue meta + meta stone!

    I will also accept an exceptional valorite bearded swamp dragon as partial trade.
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    WTS Ice blue meta + meta stone!

    3 mil is too low, sorry. The meta stone alone is 3 mil from gold vendor, about 2.6 mil in current donation coins.
  8. C

    WTS Ice blue meta + meta stone!

    Ice blue meta dragon egg + meta stone package. Nice color! It is at level 3 right now so you can skip the first two boring levels and get to farming and making gold right away! S/b : 4 mil B/o : 5 mil Will accept donation coins at rate of 165k.
  9. C

    WTB Treasure Map Books

    What are you paying? PM me in Discord at same name. I have one.
  10. C

    WTB Bought

    I have 3 atm.
  11. C

    WTS old dono items & rune reliqary

    525k on rune relic.
  12. C

    WTS old dono items & rune reliqary

    400k Rune Rel.
  13. C

    WTB repond/silver/dragon armor, valorite swampy, ingots

    Buying repond, dragon slaying and/or silver armor set. PM me with what you got. Looking to buy an exceptional barded valorite Swamp Dragon as well. Also buying bulk valorite ingots. PM here or Discord @ Cully.
  14. C

    Donation Hair Dye has not dyed my beard!

    There is a specific beard dye separate from the hair dye. Same vendor.
  15. C

    Give me interest to play! AND WIN PRIZES!

    Because I came back. You know what's a good come back story? Kim Kardashian.
  16. C

    WTS 16x17 north of yew

    I'm just waiting to meet up with him, apparently we are very different time zones. Hopefully in the morning piingui!
  17. C

    WTS 16x17 north of yew

  18. C

    WTS 120 Blacksmith PS 300k

    Yes, I PMed you