Search results

  1. duffman071

    WTB Buying Mining 110 and/or Blacksmith 105

    Title says it. Looking for reasonable offers
  2. duffman071

    Selling 35k boards (3g each)

    35k Wood for sale now
  3. duffman071

    Selling 35k boards (3g each)

    Bump. Have 27k wood now
  4. duffman071

    Selling 35k boards (3g each)

    Bump. Got 15k wood atm, and rising.
  5. duffman071

    Selling 35k boards (3g each)

    3gp each.
  6. duffman071

    1k donation coins 160k gold

    title says it
  7. duffman071

    1k Donation coins 165k

    Title says it all
  8. duffman071

    Custom House Blank Lot Costs 85k?

    Like others said, it's not as bad as it seems. Try to hit "commit" and you will be presented with the ACTUAL cost. The key here is that you want to minimize the number of incremental changes to your house. Try to design as much as possible all at once because each incremental change you do is...
  9. duffman071

    WTB Buying ID wands (4gp each charge)

    I'd take up to 5k charges, whatever you have. PM me later today (5PM PST or later) to meet up.
  10. duffman071

    WTB Buying ID wands (4gp each charge)

    title says it
  11. duffman071

    Selling Donation Coins 160k per 1k

    1k left 160k
  12. duffman071

    Selling Donation Coins 160k per 1k

    Price reduced..... 160k per 1k.
  13. duffman071

    Selling Donation Coins 160k per 1k

    bump, get all 3k for 160k per 1k
  14. duffman071

    Selling Donation Coins 160k per 1k

    bump. will sell all 3k for 160k per
  15. duffman071

    Selling Donation Coins 160k per 1k

  16. duffman071

    Selling Donation Coins 160k per 1k

  17. duffman071

    WTB 105 Mining PS

    so anyone have mining 105 PS for 50k?
  18. duffman071

    Selling Donation Coins 160k per 1k

    2k sold, 3k still left @ 165k per 1k
  19. duffman071

    WTB 105 Mining PS

    thanks oldskool, 200k did sound awfully high