Search results

  1. LeoX9

    Amy from Napa Valley

    I had a tamer as well called "Defida". A lot of fun. I'm actually thinking of starting another one on this shard. There's nothing like having a dragon for a pet :)
  2. LeoX9

    Amy from Napa Valley

    Oh awesome! What years did you play?
  3. LeoX9

    Amy from Napa Valley

    Hello. What was your main character name on NV?
  4. LeoX9

    Amy from Napa Valley

    Thank you! I'm excited to meet everyone and slay some dragon's together. :)
  5. LeoX9

    BUYING Lockpicking 50-95 KIT

    Hey Cinder, Sorry I didn't see your message until now. Are you still available? Thanks,
  6. LeoX9

    BUYING Lockpicking 50-95 KIT

    Hey all, I'm looking for some lockpicking kits to take me from 50-95/100. I'm having a hard time finding any vendor's with these kits readily available. Can someone sell this to me or point me in the right direction? Thanks,
  7. LeoX9

    Amy from Napa Valley

    Hey guys, Amy here from Napa Valley. Not sure if any of you remember me. I now go by Cerry, Cerri, Serry, and Amy (often with the last name "Majere"). Look me up if you remember me. :) Thanks,