Search results

  1. Raxien

    WTS remdey relic

    SB 600k
  2. Raxien

    WTS Ethereal Hiryu - 750K / 5K dono - SOLD!

    Ill throw 5k dono at it. Trusty Patches on top of WBB
  3. Raxien

    WTS Shadowy Disciple Relic

  4. Raxien

    WTS 120 Provo-sold

    I'll throw 800k at it
  5. Raxien

    WTS 18x18 Plot (SOLD)

    Can I meet up to check it out? Sitting at Brit bank on Trusty Patchez
  6. Raxien

    WTS 18x18 Plot (SOLD)

    This gem still up for sale?
  7. Raxien

    WTS 14x15(sold)

    Yeah, I traded this morning. Not sure when he will close thread
  8. Raxien

    WTS 14x15(sold)

    350k, sent message on skype
  9. Raxien


    Small order I know, but after an hour of spamming the forums look pretty good right now