Search results

  1. Kavu

    How do I register my nick name for IRC?

    Whats the mIRC address here? Check out, User Registration. Let me quote it for yall
  2. Kavu

    1 Year Reward?????????????????????????

    you trammy
  3. Kavu

    WTB wtb blessed deermask and leather dye tub

    Deermask Im looking for is regular hue, nothing special.
  4. Kavu

    WTB wtb blessed deermask and leather dye tub

    Pm with prices
  5. Kavu

    Insane lag?

    Come on guys. wtf is with this lag, 300 ping?
  6. Kavu

    Selling house by Lich Lord Spawn

  7. Kavu

    L A G G ! ! !

    ah the good old im in the army freeshard shit talk. how I love UO
  8. Kavu

    VPN Lowerping

    Same with me, server is just really laggy for people outside of the U.S :/
  9. Kavu

    WTB Buying Ship

    Im there on my alt, Beric
  10. Kavu

    WTB Buying Ship

    meet me at east brit bank, kavu is my name.thanks.
  11. Kavu

    WTB Buying Ship

    Let me know your price.
  12. Kavu

    Gm Resist

    Alright, seems like Mana Vampire is the preffered option, I just wish it didnt have to use 4 different regs..
  13. Kavu

    Gm Resist

    What spell will speed up my quest to GM resist, I already have GMd magery, should I keep doing Mana Vampire for resist? Ive heard Flamestrike is faster, but dont know how true it is. Thanks in advance, Kavu
  14. Kavu


  15. Kavu

    sellin just gettin warmed up hat

  16. Kavu

    4, 18x18 IDOCS

    They dropped?
  17. Kavu

    Selling Paragon Chests! (Lich)

    Black one - 35k Metal one - 25k Take em both for 55k! Note: both are un-opened with all their goodies still inside.