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  1. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Alright man, Francis is gonna restock tomorrow along with the STR and Agility kegs :)
  2. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Sorry guys, internet has been off for a couple days, will let you know when I get everything restocked.
  3. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Dex Suits are restocked and a few BODs!!
  4. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    The average profit I got from a chest including selling all the items was usually 6-12k. I'll keep them at 3k for now. :) Also, stocked some more BODs and GM Barbed Leather Suits!
  5. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Runebooks are restocked!
  6. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Kegs and Recalls are restocked!
  7. 1986Eternal

    WTB Buying MIBs

    I have them for 3k/per on my vendor. Check my signature for details
  8. 1986Eternal

    Selling 11x7 3.5 Screens Away From Yew Moongate

    I gotta say, you would have a pretty awesome neighbor if you bought this house. :-p
  9. 1986Eternal

    WTB Buying Chests - White, Black, Blue

    Check out my Colored Chest Vendor in my signature. Gates are also available @ West Britain Bank from 'a fatbody'
  10. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Lots of MIBs in stock @ 3k/per, also restocked GM Barbed Leather Suits, and TONs of Kegs! Gates available from West Britain Bank from 'a fatbody' Thanks!
  11. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Full Kegs have been restocked!
  12. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Empty Kegs Restocked! Only 450/per!! I will probably open another vendor just for Empty Kegs since they sell so well!
  13. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    More Barbed and Horned Suits and a few BODs!
  14. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Restocked Reagents
  15. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Restocked Barbed and Horned Leather Suits!
  16. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Restocked Reagents and Empty Kegs!
  17. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Also lowered MIBs to 3k/per!
  18. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Recalls, Runebook and Dex Suits in stock!!
  19. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Restocked Leather Suits of all types!
  20. 1986Eternal

    The BIG FAT Vendor House is CLOSED!

    Plenty of regs stocked!! Will finish BOD Cloth pricing today!