It's just random, just keep collecting BODs and eventually you will get offered a LBOD.
I get just as many LBODs offered to me on my 85 tailor as my 110 tailor, if not more cause of the 3 hour timer/vice the 6 hour.
Is there any correlation between your tailoring skill and the quality of BOD and LBOD you get?
Or is it just completely random whether you have 65 tailor 85 tailor gm tailoring or 120 tailoring?
Looking for two busted ass ethereal mounts! Not looking for anything special, just the 1k mounts is fine, llama or horse! I'll pay market price!
Just PM me
Question: I'm new to fishing, do you have to be at comp to fish up MIB or is there a way to macro fishing up MIBS afk? or is this is this even legal on this server?
I'm not clear on how to use the prospector tool, I had read that it gives you a bonus to the ore vein, so if it's normally a verite vein, you can mine valorite. However, whenever I use it, it just tells me what kind of ore is at that vein, and if I hold it while mining it makes no difference. Am...
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