Search results

  1. Y

    Insane lag?

    Server was unplayable for around 45 minutes about 12 hours ago - although I didn't notice any other issues other than then. All good now though!
  2. Y

    Paragon Chest

    Any GM level Lockpickers available to pick a paragon chest for me? Happy to pay for your time :)
  3. Y

    Stealing Help!

    I promise I'll donate my first theft to charity. Thanks - I already understood that process from earlier reading but appreciate your clear and concise summary. The community here seems to be helpful and genuinely interested in making the shard continue. Please to be a part of it. Thanks - I...
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    Stealing Help!

    Wellington for the moment - although if we get another crappy set of Christmas weather the wife may well throw her toys once and for all and we may be off to warmer pastures!
  5. Y

    Stealing Help!

    Good lord another Kiwi? What are the odds?!
  6. Y

    Stealing Help!

    Thanks mate, I didn't think of that. I'll have a shot at a (attended!) macro. Appreciate the help!
  7. Y

    Stealing Help!

    Hi Everyone I'm a long term UO vet - played on release for ten odd years, had a break and played WoW, came back to the main shards for another (very, very quiet) six months but was disappointed at how casual it had all become (death needs to have a meaning and I need to be scared in a dungeon)...