This thread is about blocking talisman leveling spots, if you have issues or bugs to report do it in the proper category.
I do not mean to offend/disrespect anyone, just do not distort the original target of this post.
Even training in a spot you had to do it for like 3 months (EVERYDAY) to get a level 10 mage talisman, now it will take 1 year? maybe 2? to get level 10 talisman on a mage?
Well, this is the DEATH to all PVM MAGE's that wanted to seek talisman. No one else will do a talisman mage because it is...
This is only true for DEXXERS, what about the rest???????????
There are like more than 1000 characthers with talisman lvl 10, in the T B A alliance there are like 250+ characthers with talisman level 10.
Some people have their 9 characthers with full lvl 10 talisman, and it is not just one...
How can newplayers compete with old players???? I need to play for a year, everyday to get talsiman lvl 10 without spots to train.
if you gonna be fair you should be fair for everyone. You made this game impossible for ALL new players, not just me.
Talisman reset should be the viable option...
Hello to all,
I am a new player and I came to play here with a brazillian guild.
Well, since I've been playing here. I've notice everyone has a talisman lvl10 and I was reaching level 10 as well in one of the "talisman trainning spots", but now staff has messed with it and blocked all talisman...
Type ------------------ Price per log
Frostwood ---------- 1000
Bloodwood ---------- 250
Heartwood ----------- 200
Yew -------------------- 75
Ashe ------------------- 40
Oak --------------------- 20
Normal ----------------- 3.5
Price are negotiable, and it lowers 5% per 50k...
That is exactly why this statue worth morth than 5mil. It is not in the current statue system which has the On/Off switch so it is much rare and encrusted into the older UO system which makes it unique.
All other Dark Father statues have the on/off switch.
This one is unique.
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