Search results

  1. hoodfigure

    Rune Etched Chest from MOTM

    Looks pretty sweet. Does it hold items? Can you throw bolas out of it? Does it stop all guard me ? Can you do a champ spawn for 2-3 hours and not get wrecked by P v Barders?
  2. hoodfigure

    Bolas... trust me, it can work(newb friendly)

    Yeah.. Im not for bolas, there are already stuns, pots and combos out there that are killing plenty of people. If you cant catch up with someone legitimately then maybe you weren't meant to? Edit: And that's the one that got away.
  3. hoodfigure

    Looking for a tailor with only 90 skill!

    I haven't the slightest idea why he'd need someone lower than 100-120. Edit: Possibly to compare bod rewards?
  4. hoodfigure

    WTS Bronze Runic Katanas

    Selling many! PM how many you need and how much you're willing to pay!
  5. hoodfigure

    WTF Stone Gargoyle Eye wooohh

    Yeah, they aren't worth shit. I was happy when I found one after the event.. so unless they make it so they stop dropping year+ after then maybe it'll be worth something someday.... but probably not :(
  6. hoodfigure


    Did Asics just outbid himself? ... yep.
  7. hoodfigure


    selling mine #6k ea
  8. hoodfigure

    WTB Bulk 20 count cloth sbods

    i have lots. ill be back home later tonight and on irc
  9. hoodfigure


    Bump for the title and item. ps Ill go 200k if you have no other offers
  10. hoodfigure

    Meeting Richard Garriott...

    Make a sticker that says "Hello, my name is Rainz" All you need is a fire field graphic on it. He'll understand. A player character known as Rainz cast a spell called "fire field" on Lord British that, surprisingly, killed him. According to Starr Long, the whole thing was just a human...
  11. hoodfigure

    New Age - More gameplay suggestions!

    Bump a licious. Server needs moar gold/item sinks other wise the market crashes . every time. Im all for a power scroll / statue "gamble" Where you have a CHANCE to get something, and maybe even a point based garuntee maybe? That would be cool. Also something you can only get from this, ie it...
  12. hoodfigure

    WTS Rare Impish Watch SOLD

    Bump for triumph.
  13. hoodfigure

    disarming with uo steam

    Yes, you activate disarm ability and it takes your stamina for each try for whoever you are attacking. You turn it off so you don't stam drain yourself. If its arming/disarming your own weapon, you have set the wrong one.
  14. hoodfigure

    Stoke's Lotto (sold out please post what did you get)

    Post what you won, and what its worth?!!?! 2 arcane circles @Mango ? What dem worth!?
  15. hoodfigure


    Thread delivered. Consistently. As long as it doesn't dive toward jhokes toward an exchange student - super mega rare thread.
  16. hoodfigure

    Smith BOD reward bug

    Everyone will tell you that you turned in a 20 normal LBOD and put EXCEPTIONAL Smalls in it.. Which may be your case? I have turned in a 20 ex shadow LBOD plate and got the NORMAL reward :( I thought to myself "Self - apparently you made this mistake." But then I looked @ said BOD book I...
  17. hoodfigure

    Questions about Bods

    Yes.. it resets your cooldown BACK to its starting point... so yeah like Fattson said - Turn in your bods only AFTER you just receive one is the best time.
  18. hoodfigure

    Questions about Bods

    Nonoonono, reset meaning - RESETS YOUR COOLDOWN
  19. hoodfigure

    Stealing from 'new' mobs

    They have no pockets.
  20. hoodfigure

    Dono coins vanish?

    I had some mining shards from an RDA in my bank, next day the entire bag was gone.