Search results

  1. C

    WTS an eggceptional spellbook (elemental slayer)

    At the very least I would like to break even, so anything under 13.5 I'll have to decline. Let's see how this goes
  2. C

    WTB Dispersion Relic

    Paying 700k, let me know here or Cino5 on irc.
  3. C

    WTS Lots of Wearables

    ill take the kilt
  4. C

    WTS *RARE* blood red ethy horse + blood red outfit

    1m on da purple watch
  5. C

    WTS a focal relic

    another one (not including the one i overpayed for purposely) sold for 1m, so gunna hang on and see what I can get
  6. C

    WTS a focal relic
