Search results

  1. defiant

    WTB 120 lumberjacking ps

    still looking!
  2. defiant

    WTB Max storage house

    Still looking!
  3. defiant

    WTB Max storage house

    Looking to purchase a max storage house. Location isn't very important, customized or plot let me know your price, Thanks!
  4. defiant

    WTB 120 lumberjacking ps

    need a 120lj and maybe 7 skill scrolls. Pm me your prices, Thanks!
  5. defiant

    WTB Bulk Quest Vanqs

    PM me prices & quantities, Thanks!
  6. defiant

    WTB Lumberjacking PS

    Got em all Thanks!
  7. defiant

    WTB Devious Tmaps

    PM me your prices and quantities, Thanks!
  8. defiant

    WTS MOTM Spellbook 340k

  9. defiant

    Server Lag

    When I was on today with the new servers my latency was stupid fast (20ms) usually its over or about 100.
  10. defiant

    WTB Glowing runes

    PM me which ones you have and how much. Interested in most
  11. defiant

    WTS MOTM Spellbook 340k

    As title says, Daemon MOTM spellbook forsale - 340k
  12. defiant

    Hello UO t2a alternative!

    Thanks all, loving it so far!
  13. defiant

    Guide: Inscription

    So just to be clear, it is useless (defensively) until you are GM, so having 50script would be pointless?
  14. defiant
  15. defiant

    WTS Event Crystal Frag, 110 BS

    Crystal fragment - 90k SOLD 110 Blacksmith PS - 50k first come first serve. Ill be on later today.
  16. defiant

    Hello UO t2a alternative!

    Been looking for a uo server for a while since secondage died two years ago or so. Tried other games but nothing is as good as UO, plain and simple this is the best game ive ever played. Secondage was by far the most fun of any UO ive ever played, ever, hopefully I can enjoy this server as...