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  1. E

    The Meta Dexxer's Lounge and Beard Bar

    Its fully capable of killing those things. Slayer Armor is absolutely amazing. But the good players wanna keep it on the DL heh. If you're a defensive meta dexxer, You can solo elder dragon paragons/AL paragons... etc etc. Even a berseker with slayer armor can toe-to-toe with demon paragons.
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    WTS Selling 4k Silver Season 2

  3. E


    I have 4k at 50ea 200k
  4. E

    WTS Selling 4k Silver Season 2

    Warg0s already bought others. I responded to late. These are still up.
  5. E

    WTS Crystal Workbenches 175k

    Damn. Just payed 250k lol
  6. E

    WTS Selling 4k Silver Season 2

    50k/1k or all for 180k (45/1k)
  7. E

    Meta Pets (Paragons and EXP question)

    From a bit of testing, I still believe im gaining the full 1:1 +10% for killing paragons as long as they meet the minimum hp required to gain 1:1. As in, I see no penalty to paragons with more hp than your pet.
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    WTS 18x18 Booty Island

    I do not understand why this is so expensive. I'm bidding tops 1mil.
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    WTS 13x18 ICE, MAX STORAGE, cheap!

    Buyout. PM me
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    WTS Sold

    Ill buy 13k
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    WTB Looking for Bulk Dono at reasonable price

    Bump. Will pay 170k if someone supplies me with 11k dono
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    WTB Looking for Bulk Dono at reasonable price

    I need 12.5k dono coins. Looking for rates. Ideal is 150k/1k maybbbee ill do 160k/1k
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    Meta Pets (Paragons and EXP question)

    Yeah I saw that same code... Now there is a penalty for mobs with too much hp? that makes no sense. why would i bother to kill paragons then...
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    Meta Pets (Paragons and EXP question)

    This is good to know. Thank you :)
  15. E

    Meta Pets (Paragons and EXP question)

    If a paragon has 2500 life... and my meta pet does 2500 dmg to the paragon (knowing that the paragon has a much a higher effective life because of the regen) can I then hop off my mare and use it to finish off the paragon while still gaining full exp on my meta?
  16. E

    WTS Fishing 115 and 120 PS here

    I think 1mil for both. Thanks or post offer. Edit: I don't really know prices... But it seems as if a 120 went for 500k? I still would like to sell both for 750k or more. PM here.
  17. E

    Selling 115 Animal Lore

    Bump. I'm saying buyout is 300k or a tame scroll and 100k
  18. E


    Vanq +25 Katana. Vanq +25 war fork. Vanq +25 bow. Vanq +25 executioners axe. Plenty of non perfect vanqs as well.
  19. E

    Selling 115 Animal Lore
