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  1. Khail

    ***Gardening Question***

    So you just use a shovel or something on a regular dirt tile?
  2. Khail


    Buying ALL your fertile dirt the more the better! PM me with how many you have and how much you want! ~*Side Note* Also buying blacksmith skill scrolls*~
  3. Khail

    ***Gardening Question***

    A quick question for this server. When it comes to plants is fertile dirt the only source of dirt? I remember on OSI being able to dig dirt patches for regular dirt but did not give the added +1 day benefit of fertile dirt - Just have not been able to find dirt patches that can be dug with shovel.
  4. Khail

    WTB Blacksmith Skill Scrolls

  5. Khail

    WTS ***DONO COINS***

    SOLD OUT sorry
  6. Khail

    WTS ***DONO COINS***

  7. Khail

    WTS ***DONO COINS***

  8. Khail

    Faction Thief's

    What needs to be understood in this post is that this server is supposed to be nostalgic and relate to the old playstyles of UO that we all loved. On OSI UO a thief could always steal the sigils regardless of points this fact on its own should discredit anything the original poster was saying...
  9. Khail

    WTB 120 mining

    PM me with price!
  10. Khail

    WTS 12x17 East of Brit Gate

    12x17 water front no spawn S/B 300k - Send PM
  11. Khail

    WTS Dono Coins!

    Selling 10k Dono Coins at 150k per 1k PM me if interested!
  12. Khail

    So.... Server Down?

    Just started hunting and the server went down.... Got my pets out hope it comes back up soon
  13. Khail

    Pacific or Siege Perilous?

    Played PAC my reds were Khail / Jaxon / Festus - - - my Thief was Simon - - and my tamer was Gallabon... Played as FL for a long time then broke and we made EoF - - used to run with Fazzum, Ingus, Tamer Bob had a lot of fun in the PAC days!
  14. Khail

    Any old PACIFIC players here?

    Just curious if there are any old Pac players runin around just curious if I am going to see any familiar faces :p My reds were Khail / Jaxon / Festus - - My Theif was Simon - - My tamer was Gallabon - - Played as FL for a long time then broke away and we made EoF - - Ran with Fazzum, Ingus...
  15. Khail

    120 provo?

    anyone know going rate?
  16. Khail

    WTB Provo SS / 105 provo / 110 provo

    Buying all provo SS PM me! still looking for 105 provo and 110 provo
  17. Khail

    WTB Provo SS / 105 provo / 110 provo

    Just need Provo SS
  18. Khail

    WTB Provo SS / 105 provo / 110 provo

  19. Khail

    WTB Provo SS / 105 provo / 110 provo

    PM me on here or IRC with price
  20. Khail

    WTS 120 tailor for 75k!!!

    ill buy it if u still have it PM me