Search results

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    Furniture dye tubs not dying Kegs... Bug?

    Just wanted to buy a furni tub for my new alchy.. this is really annoying :/
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    Provo Failing, yet Showing success

    I can confirm this and agree with thestand. I also think it's when monsters are just on the edge of being out of range. Also it's not that you "regain" aggro as some stated above. You always have the aggro. They run towards you and never stop or turn even if you succeed provoking them. I paged...
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    WTB 120 Mining PS

    PM offers
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    WTS A white titan statue (hue 1153)

    sold for 500k
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    WTS A white titan statue (hue 1153)

    last bump
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    WTS A white titan statue (hue 1153)

    here you go
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    WTS A white titan statue (hue 1153)

    Taking offers. Current offer: 500k
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    WTS Statues and more (LARGE daemon statuette)

    To unclutter my house I am selling the following items. Reply or PM offers 3x a crystal ball of reputation 2x Bag of halloween candy (36 items) a ogre lord statuette a gargoyle statuette 2x a lich statuette (grey) a lich statuette (red) a evil mage boss satuette a dragon statuette a terathan...
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    Turning in bod removes 6 hour timer

    Wait... you want to receive a BOD, fill it, turn it in and get the next one? So you basically get a BOD every 5 minutes?
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    WTS T-Map runebook set

    I'll get back to you tomorrow...