Search results

  1. flipt

    WTB outside deco

    Looking to buy outside decorations let me know what you got. Here or PM
  2. flipt

    WTS Selling Ultra Rare one of a kind

  3. flipt

    WTS Selling Ultra Rare one of a kind

  4. flipt

    WTS Selling Ultra Rare one of a kind

    Selling old event rare Black stone coffin. it is one of a kind the only one on the server you can place it on both south and east configurations. I am willing to listen to all reasonable offers on it I am willing to accept dono coins at 170k gold per 1000 dono coins. This auction will run for...
  5. flipt

    WTS butla

    Look here's the facts 5 people were co owned there. Out of the five 4 of us still have the first loot house with stiff in it from almost 2 and a half years and imagine that all that stuff is there only difference between this one and that is one co owner wonder who that was............hummm
  6. flipt

    WTS butla

    How about u put it all back. Please tell me the butters isn't fattin
  7. flipt

    Hallys and LJ

    Nope I don't think so only axe's
  8. flipt

    WTS bags of statues

  9. flipt

    WTS bags of statues

    Front page bump
  10. flipt

    WTS bags of statues

    Auctioning off three bags of statues leave what bag you are bidding on and how much below happy bidding. Bag 1 - 20 statues UOF 2 year statue, hellcat, giant spider, harpy, litch lord, red dragon head, rat man, air elemental blob, mummy, old gazer, small demon wings open, dire wolf, timber...
  11. flipt

    WTS Red Dragon Fire Candle + Misc Items (2/21)

    600k bed
  12. flipt

    WTS Red Dragon Fire Candle + Misc Items (2/21)

    500k bed
  13. flipt

    WTS Red Dragon Fire Candle + Misc Items (2/21)

    450k bed
  14. flipt


    It's an old stealable rare probly not many around
  15. flipt

    WTS Red Dragon Fire Candle + Misc Items (2/21)

    400k bed
  16. flipt

    WTS Red Dragon Fire Candle + Misc Items (2/21)

    300k on bed