Search results

  1. Kird

    WTB This house (orc valley)

    pls contact me
  2. Kird

    WTS Logs! regular/heartwood/bloodwood/frostwood

    everything restocked
  3. Kird

    WTS Logs! regular/heartwood/bloodwood/frostwood

    PMed you
  4. Kird

    WTS Logs! regular/heartwood/bloodwood/frostwood

    regular Logs 1,5gp Oak 3gp Ash 5gp Yew 15gp heartwood 80gp bloodwood 250gp frostwood 330gp pm me
  5. Kird

    Crafting menue empty - language problems

    bump! anyone figured something out?
  6. Kird

    Phylactery of Resilience (Defense talisman).

    only 80 armor is needed for 100%xp gain you could drop parry for arms lore for increase hit chance vs stronger mobs
  7. Kird

    WTS Bulk Heartwood logs

    3k left. 100gp each
  8. Kird

    WTS Bulk Heartwood logs

    5k Heartwood only 500k !
  9. Kird

    WTB 120 Lumber 800k ! *GOT IT, tyty*

    lets make it 850k.
  10. Kird

    WTS 5k Heartwood logs

    4k left
  11. Kird

    WTS 5k Heartwood logs

    125gp each pm pls
  12. Kird

    WTB 120 Lumber 800k ! *GOT IT, tyty*

    daddy needs his frostlogs
  13. Kird


    thanks for all the info guys I decided to keep carpentry for some exeptional clubbing time tyty
  14. Kird

    WTB wtb motm spell books (all atm)

    your inbox is full, cant pm you
  15. Kird

    WTS some PS

    2x105 Provo, 105 Peace 2x110 Tailor, 110 Scribe, 110 Fishing 115 Tailor, 115 Carp, 115 Mining willing to trade for 105 and/or 110 lumber PS
  16. Kird

    WTS MOTM value pack

    zeee valueeeee!
  17. Kird

    WTS MOTM value pack

    8 yards of earth ele motm cloth and 1 earth ele motm spellbook only 750k !!
  18. Kird


    thats rly nice. But still, the only useable weapon would be the club? I assume you need 120 carp for best results with frost and bloodwood. Powerscrolls and skillscrolls alone would be quite an investment. hmmm....