Search results

  1. ABanjak

    BUYING WTB Cellar Deed & Female Vendor Statue

    Looking to purchase a used, unwanted cellar deed. They sell common new on the Brit Bank vendor, looking for something cheaper nearer 2mill'ish. ALSO looking to purchase a Female Vendor Statuette. Will pay 250k. Interested in the Male Statuette also.. and ANY statues that throws or spits things...
  2. ABanjak

    WTS Cellar Deed - 2.5m SOLD

  3. ABanjak

    WTS short blue brazier

  4. ABanjak

    WTS short blue brazier

  5. ABanjak

    WTS Yew Moongate Vendor Rental

    id like one of the last 2.5k spot up their. I'm inside waiting. :) <a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a>
  6. ABanjak

    WTB CEllar deed used

    WANTED TO BUY Cellar Deed cheaper than the vendor at Britain. Used. Secondhand. Anyone want to sell their cellar?? hhaha?
  7. ABanjak

    WTS Cellar Deed - 2.5m SOLD

    IS this item still available?
  8. ABanjak

    WTS or WTT SS PS Rares Wearables DEco Dono Runes

    Let me show you some junk that might be of interest??... Even the PLOT can go. Not fun to me or of use at the moment. Open an award winning vendor shop. (It's not cheap).. This place makes me million(s). PM me some offers or just shop off the vendors. Rune library also welcome to use. Shop is...
  9. ABanjak

    WTS Yew Moongate 8x7 Plot Vendor House EMPTY

    Put me out of business and buy my EMPTY Yew Moongate House PLOT. Entertain me, please PM me some offers if interested tonight. Small 8x7, but just a couple screens West of the gate. Third house off the Moongate. Very well known location. 74, 42N. 41, 20W. Just come out the gate, head left 3...
  10. ABanjak

    WTS Big Deco Ginseng Root

    Is it like the big mandrake root, I been looking for one.
  11. ABanjak


    Hello everyone.. same story as all, used to play long ago. I used to be a wealthy player, so it is hard making the transition, LOL. I was Shiznoff on AOL Legends. Rares collector. My first ever shop was called Last Stop n Ingot Shop, started on that server. I ended up with a small customizeable...
  12. ABanjak

    WTS Restocked Yew Moongate Vendors Weekend

    Greetings, I am seeking to peddle off some of my goods.. Several vendors located just a screen or two SOUTHWEST of Yew Moongate! Wearables - SS - Rares - Scribe - Smith - BODs - Ship - Cannonballs - Statues - Glowing Runes RESTOCKED DAILY Don't forget about the free ever-growing PUBLIC...
  13. ABanjak

    Man, a rare has spawned.. and I don't know how to get it. I been trying for it forever too.. I...

    Man, a rare has spawned.. and I don't know how to get it. I been trying for it forever too.. I got a screenshot atleast.
  14. ABanjak

    Sweeeet!! Found chicken shit and seaweed. Still trying to find mushrooms, and checkers. Where to...

    Sweeeet!! Found chicken shit and seaweed. Still trying to find mushrooms, and checkers. Where to get large mandrake root?
  15. ABanjak

    want to sell me the mandrake root rar,e or tell me what chest to find it in, thanks

    want to sell me the mandrake root rar,e or tell me what chest to find it in, thanks
  16. ABanjak

    Sweeeeet!!!! on my quest to find my own stash of chicken shit still. that and epic goal to find...

    Sweeeeet!!!! on my quest to find my own stash of chicken shit still. that and epic goal to find mushrooms.
  17. ABanjak

    looking for location to place vendor

    I got a few spots in minoc or vesper moongate area. anyone selling bulletin boards, I need 4 thanks