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  1. Sephid

    WTS SOLD! 6 full event crystals (18 combined fragments)

    As title says i am selling 6 full event crystals (18 combined fragments). Think of the time you will save rather than trying to track down fragments for sale! Selling as an Auction SB 4 mil No BO 50k+ bid increments Auction ends 24 hours after last bid! Happy bidding folks!
  2. Sephid

    Champ spawn suggestion

  3. Sephid

    Horse Barding Deeds

  4. Sephid

    WTB Infected wounds relic

    Bump. Payin a lil more!
  5. Sephid

    WTB Infected wounds relic

    Paying 650k. pm me if you have one for sell! Thanks
  6. Sephid

    Old players

    Pacific - 1997-2009
  7. Sephid

    What was the purpose of making explosion potions hit allies?

    I like this pot change. I also support red mob aggro awesomeness.
  8. Sephid

    WTF is with the new forum fonts?

    They fixed it right after my post lol. But yeah it pretty much felt like my eyes were about 50 years older trying to read it lol. Now the forums look pretty damn good
  9. Sephid

    WTS Bloodied Plate Set

    Ill buy
  10. Sephid

    mob aggro vs red players

    Hey man i dont have a problem lol. Im not crying cause i wish there was more people willing to PvP. It would also seem im not the only one that has this view otherwise there would be a fuck load more PvP goins on. Its like your saying well everyone in Call of duty is using aimbot and speed hack...
  11. Sephid

    mob aggro vs red players

    Once again. That isn't UO to me and many many others. You all wanna use sallos, and scripts, and all that shit then enjoy your small population of dedicated PvPrs.
  12. Sephid

    mob aggro vs red players

    In my opinion.... Many potential PvPers are very turned off by having to use sallos, scripts, and voice chat in order to PvP on a competative level. Honestly those three things destroyed UO PvP for me. That shit aint UO in my opinion. You want more PVP you got to level out the playingfield. But...
  13. Sephid

    WTF is with the new forum fonts?

    Agreed! Its pretty bad.
  14. Sephid

    mob aggro vs red players

    Not hard... I just think its funny seeing reds *****. I mean shit being a red for most of you is all about ruining others fun. I mean shit thats what most of you get off on. Knowing you pissed someone off and aint nothing they can do about it. Its about time shit goes a bit sour for red. Fuckers...
  15. Sephid

    mob aggro vs red players

    Loving the red tears! So yummy! Aww poor reds being shit on... lol Considering all you guys do is shit on blues and ruin the fun for them a lot of the time. Although there is the odd cool red that isnt out to fuck everyones fun. lolz
  16. Sephid

    How much AR is the bloodied plate suit?

    i think its 40ar
  17. Sephid

    WTS 18x18 With EVERYTHING inside Screenshot Added! SOLD

    Lets get this party started! 1m!
  18. Sephid

    A different angle to balancing Parrying/Alchemy?

    I was about to make a thread suggesting this very thing pretty much. Only i was thinking GM parry + Shield = __% Explosion potion damage reduction but to add to that the op's idea for a chance to parry the potion completely with just parry i like as well. So lets resurrect this thread!
  19. Sephid

    WTS 10 Invasion crystals - lot - Price Drop!

    Man i couldn't agree more with this... The rich players here love paying the non rich chump change while they buy up and horde items in demand. This economy is messed and to manipulated by the greedy rich dudes. Free bump~ Good luck with sale!